Monday, 16 July 2012

Mucky Pup

The horrendous weather this weekend could not stop Charlie on his adventures, despite the rain we took a stroll up at the racecourse. Charlie loves it here because there is loads of space to run around and there are always lots of other dogs for him to play with. I love it because there is so much space I am not worried about losing him and if he plays with other dogs he burns off even more energy than a normal walk. It’s win – win!

We did have a great adventure; jumping in the long grass, splashing round in puddles, chasing crows. We even met what I thought was another beagle but turned out to be a Foxhound pup who was being walked. It also turned out to be a bit of a woos and ran away from Charlie but it was very handsome.

The end result of our walk was Charlie looking like this. Covered in Sand and mud and soaked through. I have very sensible wood and stone floors downstairs in my house so I am never overly worried about him coming into the house. So when I went out for dinner I let him in the siting room and kitchen with the door to the stairs shut so he could only have the run of the two rooms – or so I thought!

When I came home several hours later there was no dog. Then I heard the familiar sound of a Charlie jumping off of my bed and trotting down the hall. I had obviously not shut that door! As I ventured upstairs I found that Charlie had not been on my bed, He had been in my bed! Charlie does like to be covered when he sleeps, when he slept in his crate he liked to be tucked up with a blanket over him and now if he can get upstairs unsupervised he will often get under the duvet like in this photo, I would like to point out that my bed had been made before Charlie got in, burrowing in so his head is covered. Now I am not adverse to having the dog ON my bed; in fact on a Sunday morning we often have cuddles while I drink my tea. But IN my bed?!

It was late so I got into bed anyway but I had a very sandy nights sleep with the dog snuggled up, I figured the damage was already done!

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